Break Free

One day I will break free
I will be able to see
how special I am
how beautiful I am
how strong I am

Until I break free
I am trapped in my mind, 
like a giant landmine
Dodging bombs in my thoughts
just trying to survive

My mental illness holds me hostage
It tell me I am never enough
It says I am damaged goods
and  not good enough

These thoughts consume me
Like a python slowly gripping me
squeezing me to death
Man, I would rather be dead, I said

Wait! No! I want to live
I realize I have so much more to give
Why wait for someone to free me
I realize my rescuer has to be me

I muster up the courage to break free
to break to the chains
to end the pain
by choose to live for me

People keep telling me that I am just a waste of breath
That i will always fail
That i will fall down and remain broken
They say I am a weakling
That i cant amount to anything

Others opinions can't hold me
they out here walking around
like swiss cheese
wholly people, hypocrites
but excluding me
Why? you ask
Because I am free

I am damaged but not damaged goods
I am broken but fixable
I found my courage and strength 
to break free from my shackles

I will rise above because i refuse to fall
I will overcome and realize i belong
the strength comes from within me
All you have to do is remember 
you are not alone

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